Monday, September 9, 2013

Negative, who me? NAH!

Earlier today I asked, "If we know we are negative why don't we change?" From all the posts today, I kept revisiting the responses to that one as "negativity" is something that I really would like to help solve.

For so many like myself "negativity" does not just happen, we are born into it, raised by it, taught by it and sometimes we marry into it.

Some have been tainted from the moment they came into this world, while others got tainted later in life. Regardless of when and how, they endure invisible scars that alter how they see life.

Negativity is not something we can change by wishing for it, it's skin deep. It affects our psyche, how we interact with others, how we look at our future, it affects our relationships with our families and friends and sometimes it simply alienates us from everyone.

When we become negative sometimes we might be drawn to those like us and we feel compassion or comfort in those that are negative. However for some they might completely shut down and stay away from others, feel no compassion as after all "no one feels compassion for them".

Negativity is deep rooted and hurts, yet negativity can be changed. It takes much effort and a decision to change our course of life. This will require a shift in our focus and a new set of habits. Habits that will allow us to get in control of those emotions that bring us down.

  • Getting clear on our lives (Past, Present & Future)
  • Setting up Check Points throughout our day
These are steps that can help us begin a shift from negative to positive. It will take time....but it can be done

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