Wednesday, February 17, 2016

You're Fired

Are you feeling bad about being fired or let go? Well sometimes it's a gift from life forcing you back on the path toward the life you are intended to live. Follow the link below to read about 19 Successful People Who Have Been Fired.

Let's face it, being fired leaves a bad taste in our has a way of demoralizing us.  However being fired, being laid off is sometimes a really good thing, of course after the initial shock.  At first we feel numb, uncertain of how to feel.  Then as we awaken we begin to feel emotions of sadness, anger and fear.  Questions of how we will get back on our feet, how we will meet our responsibilities, etc, plague our mind and our heart.

As bad as it may seem, we need to understand without a reasonable doubt, that in this day and age there is no such thing as job security.  I know this is a scary concept, one many do not want to accept. Yet our ability to accept it or not does not change it from being true.  There is no loyalty to you no matter how good you are.  In fact, you can bend over backwards, wear multiple hats but when push comes to shove you may be left on the street.   So what do you do?

Well, once you get past the shock you need to get clear on what you can do and this my friend is completely up to you.  I can give you ideas however you need to find something you enjoy and hopefully something you can control.  Control?

This is where some venture on their own, they join businesses, become consultants or freelancers or even open their own shop.  They will do things with an attempt to protect their future.  OK...well we've seen many fail...right?

Yes we have,, however why is that?   Well, if we run like a chicken without a head toward an opportunity we may find ourselves trying things without a connection.  And if we don't connect, we don't succeed.  This is why we need to THINK.  Yes, I said it, "think".   You see we need to find something that feels right for us, that seems like an extension of who we are.   I will give you an example.....if you told me right now that I can become a millionaire selling ads, you may get my immediate attention, however unless I enjoy it, unless I feel a sense of accomplishment I might not be committed enough to put in the time it takes to reek the profits.

Therefore we must find something we truly enjoy,  that is key especially when we are exploring new things.  Its tough out there...its not easy to start new things....but as many of you know sometimes the only option is to learn new things, to reinvent who we are and how we do things.  You see we can choose a career but we can't choose what our employers will do.  Thus as long as we work for others we are dependent of their decisions.  

Now....don't get me wrong, you can work for others for the rest of your life and be very successful in life......Good for you and more power to you.   This message is for those that are uncertain, who feel defeated at times or whom have known defeat and fear feeling it again.   If you are still working this is a great time to prepare yourself with may never need them but having them handy can save you much heartache.   If you are like many who are surprised with the pink slip, understand that life has decided to push you back on track therefore don't let fear guide you, instead use it as fuel to get you moving toward where you need to be.

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