Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Transformation is like magic......
You work toward something but for some reason you don't see change....yet you are changing, it’s just not visible to the eye. Then as you continue to push forward regardless of not seeing change, it happens....an AHA moment and your eyes finally open, your ears can hear clearly, your heart expands with love and gratitude. Change happens, you are transformed.

I lived this and I wish I could truly explain the wonderful feeling it left in me.
It took over two years for my transformation to take place.  I remember struggling with myself, wanting to take hold of the new beliefs, yet feeling trapped by my old limiting beliefs.  I remember pushing forward despite my struggle,  and I remember that in my moment of most pain, in where I felt I could no longer do it alone.  At them moment in where I was desperate and afraid, it happened, I was transformed and my life has never been the same since.

I thank God for how the transformation took place in my life as I see it as a true miracle in my life.  Even as I write, I can't explain the feeling of it all as I feel that when it happened I was lifted from where I was into a better place,  I came face to face with my pain and yet it was no longer painful.  

If you are reading this and you are on your journey to a better life, don't be discouraged by your struggle.  It's part of your journey and part of your healing process.  It took a long time for you to be where you are today and it will take a while for you to get to where you want to be.  Hold on to your faith and your determination as it will get you through this time.

Stay strong........you will be transformed

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