Sunday, February 26, 2012

My journey to a better ME

My journey began with the following:

1. Getting clear on who I was and what I wanted.
2. Working on my belief system (faith)
3. Pushing myself to take action toward the things I
    wanted and which I felt I could do.
4. Staying the course, not giving up
5. Keep pushing myself in the moments of weakness

I found that you know what you have to do, yet you need to continue pushing yourself forward. Your journey to a better life, person, is not simple. You are guaranteed to find bumps in the road, detours, and heartache. However if you keep pushing forward despite what is tossed your way, you are guaranteed to discover a better, stronger, wiser YOU.

My journey has not been easy, yet it has been the best journey I have taken in my life. I have learned that this journey will not end, as when I reach my current goals, I create new ones. That is life, constant movement.

If you want more information on how to begin this great journey, you can reach me at

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