Friday, October 11, 2013

This message might be for YOU

You might be feeling as everyone turned their back on you. You might feel like you have failed and everyone looks at you as a failure. You might be wondering why you are even here, what's the point?

I am here to tell you that everything that you have experienced even though it hurt you, it's been part of the molding process. You were meant for much more. You are not a failure, you simply made some bad choices. You are not less than anyone, you are a perfect creation with a purpose to fulfill.

Those around you might feel bad for your pain, they don't understand how to reach you, yet its not your mistakes that worry them, its how you view yourself that has them uneasy.

Look at yourself in the mirror and stare into your eyes. Your eyes have seen so much, yet there is more to see. You have cried tears of pain, yet you are about to change it all.

This is your time....your pain was preparing you to be strong. Your failures where teaching you how to live. Your loneliness was teaching you that you are never truly alone.

Pick yourself up, this is your time, your past does not define you just as mine did not define me. We shall rise higher than ever before, stronger than ever, wiser than ever. Why? Because we are here to fulfill our purpose and our job is not done yet.

God bless you.

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