Monday, April 2, 2012


It’s funny how kids can annoy us with one simple question, “why”?

 They force us to keep looking for an answer that will satisfy their curiosity. We run out of reasons and patience, and we end up saying something like, “Just because”. As annoying as the “why?” question can be, I invite you to annoy yourself. I want you to pick out something that either: Bothers you · You can’t have Identify what that is and begin to analyze the “why?”. Every time you come up with an answer, question it with another “why?”. Keep doing this until you find the route cause to why it bothers you or why you think you can’t have it. Thing don’t just happen, there is a reason to it and sometimes that reason is not clear; It’s hidden. Until we face the issues, until we acknowledge them and understand them ; we can’t move forward. Get clear…..Get to know the “why?”

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