Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Journey of Self-Discovery

This journey of self-discovery truly amazes me. I have been on this journey for over 4½ years and I am still discovering things about me. I am still facing challenges yet these don’t faze me as they used to. I am open to listening, to seeing, to feeling. I am receptive to the messages that come through others, events or things. Yet the one thing that amazes me the most…..is that I am tough as nails. I get hit hard, sometimes losing my balance, have to shake off the impact, yet I find my strength to do it again. I was never like that. I was weak and afraid and here I am facing fear and accepting the challenge.
I don’t have all the answers and I do not need them as I am willing to move forward and let the answers become clear.

This journey has been amazing, I have opened my heart and let others in, I have opened my heart and showed others out, I have opened my heart and given myself the chance to heal and love.

Who knew that this journey were ongoing? Who knew that there was so much to discover? Yet I now understand that this journey is lifelong and as I get older I will continue to discover who I am and who I am becoming.

I don’t ask for an easy life, I ask for a life full of love, risks, challenges and success. I want a life worthy to share with the world.

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