Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Writing is new to me

Writing blogs and writing books is all new to me. I never imagined I would be doing this or enjoying it as much as I do.

About me....

My name is Eileen Gonzalez, I am 43 years old. My husband and I have been married for 21 years; we have 2 kids (boy & girl). I love my family, would do anything for them and I have to admit I have made tons of mistakes in my life. I constantly think about both my kids’ future, especially my Marine Son who is on his own living far away from us. My kids have seen us struggle and I do not want that type of life for them. For this reason, getting to clear on ME; not only helps me get back on my feet, but it will help my kids know there is a better way

Throughout my postings you will notice I refer to myself as if everything were my decision, my mistake, and my progress. The reason I do this, is that in the past my husband and I would point fingers at each other but never took responsibility for our actions. This only led to more pain and more mistakes. It's taken some time, but I now understand that I am a "work in progress" and that I am constantly creating my life. I have known sadness, frustration, hopelessness and anxiety; however these feelings have been a direct result of my actions. I have learned that as painful as it is for me to admit it, I have had a leading role in all the good, the bad and ugliness in my life. Changing the way I address our problems, has made our relationship stronger; as we both now recognize our mistakes and understand that it’s up to us to do better. Sincerely believe that my attitude will determine the type of life I live.
I am not the same person I was......I have learned my lessons and I am very proud of my new found focus in life. I am still not where I need to be, however I am well on my way.

In this blog I want to share my lessons with you and tell you "there is a better way" and it all starts with YOU. We came to this world with all the tools needed to succeed. Remember; God only makes perfection, and you are his best creation.


  1. Hi Eileen,

    I'm delighted to discover that you have apprehended the true meaning of "Accountability". So VERY few are NOT pointing fingers or constantly covering their own tracks to escape their own blunders.

    There was a time when Accountability was a much desired responsibility in the workplace. Today, many go to great extents to repel being accoutable for their own actions. Everyone else is to blame but themselves.

    This is why so many of our foreign counterparts scorn the typical American Business Person as being a pathetically vile individual (un-professional is an understatement) not worthy of doing business with.

    Yet, there are still some who will allow themselves become illuminated and adopt a new standard of behavior. I appreciate your efforts to be a beacon of that illumination.


    Luis J Ruiz
    < >

    1. Hi Luis,

      Thank you for your kind words. I agree with you 100% as "Accountability" seems to be very difficult for many, just as it was hard for myself at one time. Yet, we can't change our lives or help others if we don't begin to improve ourselves. If we are not accountable then we CHOOSE to live in denial, thus creating more of the problems we already have.

      Accountability must be present in every aspect of our lives. We owe this to ourselves and to those around us.

      I appreciate your comments.

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