Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do you ever feel like no one can help you?
Do you feel doomed to live more of the same?

I know that feeling, which makes you sick to your stomach.  You feel no one cares, or they just don't understand.  If you are feeling that way, you are not alone.  It might feel that way, yet you are not.

Speak to someone, tell them of your worries or concerns.  Don't think of yourself as a burden, because those people around you love you, and want to see you well.  I have personally learned lessons in my life that helped me go from being afraid in my life and feeling trapped to feeling empowered to do and try new things. I now understand that my fear and my negative thoughts were my limitations. 

You are not alone,  find someone that can help you even if its just to listen to you.
You can try a family member, a friend, your church, a mentor or you can even email me if you just need
someone to vent to.   

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