Monday, February 22, 2016

What About Faith?

We hear this word tossed around so much but what does it really mean?  Where can I find it and how can does it work?  Well it begins with a belief, it can be a big emotion or it can quite faint....I know that when I first found it, it felt as a thin, fragile life line which was barely present.  Yet despite how faint it was, it was strong enough to allow me to hold on for dear life.  Yet faith is not just an implies ACTION.

Action?  What do you mean?  Well, its easy to speak about faith, in  fact many toss it around all the time, yet when you look at their lives you do not see evidence of faith.   You see faith requires us to act, to move.  We must do it when things don't look good, when things seem to be against us.  Faith is a proclamation we make, our testimony that says that no matter how tough things get we will be tougher.   It means that no matter how uncertain the path before us may be we will continue our journey even if taking baby steps.  It means that we will not wait for things to be perfect for us to get started, we will instead get started and enjoy the perfect moments that come from giving our all.

Faith can be found in a church, sure.....yet you can also go to church and leave empty handed.  You see faith starts from within, its your personal decision to move forward...your personal acceptance that there is something greater than what you can see and you are willing and committed to connecting with it.

So yes, what about faith?  Well its not a noun, its a requires action from you.
You can speak about it but until you act upon it you do not know its meaning.   Faith is the light that shines before, its the force that guides us and its the strength that carries us.

Its time we stop talking faith.....its time we start living in faith or better yet, "Walking in Faith"

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