Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Get Ready!

You wake up ready to tackle your goals but something happens along the way.  You look around and you see a mess, your home, room or office may seem to be in disarray and then you feel unsettled.  It happens to me.  For some reason things need to be in order for me to be able to focus....so what do I do?  I organize my space....  I make sure my area looks clean, I even do my hair, put some make up as I simply want to feel like I am ready....lol

Ready for what?  Well, ready for anything.  I want to be ready to take action in a moments notice, I want to be able to look at my surroundings and be able to breathe in satisfaction.   It simply allows me to focus my attention where it belongs, on my goals for the day.

So now that I am ready, what's next?  Well I know I have some goals, but what do I need to do today to chip away at my goals?   The truth is we may be doing a lot or we may be not doing enough but in order to be clear on our progress we need to outline the tasks for today.   I find that if I look at the entire goal, I can become overwhelmed as the end result may not seem attainable soon enough. But if I focus on small tasks, I can tackle them and see progress.  You see when you can measure your progress you feel motivated to do more, and feel accomplished when your task is completed.

Ok...so as I am writing this, I know I am ready to go, my home is clean, my area is organized and I am busy working.  So what do I want to achieve today? What things do I need to do today to feel like this day was productive?   Do you know?  I know you do, so write it down.

I personally since I know I can procrastinate, I have people who will hold me accountable.  Yup, they know the goals, the timelines and they have no problem calling me out.  Yes, I need that from time to time and probably so do you.

Get ready, get organized, prepare yourself and get busy 
You got work to do!

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