Saturday, November 9, 2013

I need help, but I am not ready for it! - Is this you?

Sometimes you know you need help, but you push the envelope.
You hope for the ceiling not to fall even though you see the cracks opening up. You want the car to not run out of gas even though gas light is on. You want to not lose your job even though you know things have not been going well. We need help but we don't want to get it. 

Why do we do this to ourselves? There can be many reasons.....
1- we don't want to admit it to ourselves
2- we feel we nothing we will do will ever fix the situation
3- things will get better in time
4- we think we can't afford it

I am sure you can come up with a couple of other excuses. Yet, who are you hurting by ignoring your situation? Do you like your situation? Wouldn't you like to feel empowered to making the change you need? Who besides YOU, is stopping you?

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