Saturday, July 13, 2013

Change Happens!

Have you ever noticed how one day you can react to something in one way and the next react to the same event entirely different?

Have you ever noticed how you can feel strongly for one thing then something happens and your feeling are not the same? - It could be relationships, situations, topics, social - you name it

Have you ever noticed how are bodies develop and what once was is no longer, could be better, could be worse?

Change happens with or without our consent. We can wish it away, yet change is happening and will happen at the right time. Maybe not YOUR time, yet it will happen we are ready or not.

Therefore if Change is going to come our way, why are we fighting it? If change is inevitable, then why are we so reluctant to it? If there is no way to hide from change why do we refuse to do our part?

The biggest reason is FEAR.
  • We are afraid of the unknown. 
  • We are afraid of trying something new and not being as good as we were. 
  • We are afraid that with change we are no longer needed. 
Change is guaranteed in our lives, therefore its time we embrace it.

It's time we don't just sit around wondering "if" or "when" and go out and seek out Change.
Get ahead of the game....CHANGE ON PURPOSE.

 - Eileen Gonzalez

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