Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year's Resolution

New Year’s resolution……..

We all make new year’s resolution and unfortunately somewhere along the line either we give up or lose focus of our goals. Why does this happen? Is it because we are not clear on what we want or is it that we do not have the proper motivation?

Sometimes we need a little push in the right direction, unfortunately sometimes that little push comes in the form of RED ALERTS:

· Results of your medical indicating some level is high

· Feeling tired often from lack of exercise

· Catching your breath from excess smoking

· Tired of being broke due to mismanagement of your money

Red alerts can do the trick but they can also add stress to an already bad situation. How great if we could just envision the life we want and just set the goals NOW while we are healthy, while things are still good. The motivation would not be urgency but it would be to live the dream, your dream. There is no reason to wait to be told your bank account is low to start saving, there is no reason to be told your cholesterol is high to work out and eat right. We can prevent certain things from happening and we do it by getting clear of the life we want to live and by taking control and staying the course. 

What is your 2013 New Year’s resolution and what will you do to achieve it? Let’s not just say “lose weight”, let’s set a target, timeline dress size, pant size…..let’s get clear. Let’s not just say “not be broke”, let’s set a target, when to pay off excess bills, how much emergency money to save and by when…..let’s get clear. Let’s not say for 100th time “stop smoking”, get yourself on a program, monitor your progress, get a “stop smoking buddy”, get clear on why you want to do it. Is it to live longer and do so with HEALTH?, Enjoy your grandchildren?, or simply feel free……whatever your reason is, get clear on the why and commit to doing it.

Resolutions are not about others……it’s not about meeting someone else’s expectation it’s about you…’s about you living the life you feel inside that you deserve.   

What is your new year’s resolution and what will you do to achieve it?

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