Discover Your Full Potential!
Giving up might seem like the right thing to do, however are you sure you are not close to success? How far have you reached, do you even know? How are you measuring your progress, is it just visual?Look, chances are you are just frustrated because things are not happening fast enough. We are a society of Instant Gratification, we want it NOW. Well, change does not happen that way. Actually change likes speed yet it's tied to our conviction, our beliefs.
At times we say we want, yet we do not believe we can have. This contradiction causes DELAY. This is why self-improvement is so important, we need to understand where we are, what we want and understand our current situation, beliefs, etc. If we are not fully vested, if we are not fully committed to the outcome, chances are we will not be strong enough to commit to seeing it through. At first sign of this not working we will simply give up.
How would you like to find out you gave up only 3 Feet from Gold? How would you like to find out that your promotion was dependent on your willingness to learn something new? How would you like to find out that all you had to do was play that number you have been dreaming of for weeks and you would have won the prize? Many times, we walk away from success. We do it because as much as we want, we do not believe it can happen.
Where are you?
If you are Ready to make that change, then let's do it together.
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