Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Spring Ahead, Fall Back By: Irene Kabot

Irene Frances Kabot
As Autumn arrives, we fall back, starting our preparation for another spring. It is time to go deep, deep into the earth, deep into ourselves. Who are we? Who do we wish to have “spring ahead” in 6 months when the earth shifts yet again.       

The trees easily, graceful and beautifully let go, back off and rest. While on the other side of the world the energy shifts, to rise up into other trees that bloom with the scent of new life. If we don’t stop or slow down how can we regroup?  

How can we allow the new energies to be shifted to us? Sometimes we have to let go to grow, let go to go forward. 

Once at a Project Adventure workshop where the multi-level initiatives and challenges are meant to, at some point, bring you to a life lesson, I found myself 20 feet in the air on a horizontal telephone pole. There were hanging vines dangling at different distances to assist me in my crossing, which was the goal.  

As I let go of one I could just stretch and reach the other. Until…I got to the one that I couldn't reach.  I stopped, froze and couldn't go forward. Then someone below called, “Commit! You can’t go forward if you don’t commit and let go of the one you a holding on to”! It made sense. I chose to commit. The idea of living my life on a log 20 feet up in the air was not my dream; also backing down was not an option. I took a deep breath let go, took 2 steps and…no, I did not fall, I caught the next rope! And the weird thing was that it was not difficult. The idea was difficult, the action was easy. After I committed it was done.  I commit to being me. 

During this time to “fall back” what will you commit to? What will you let go of when it is time to “spring forward”? It may come sooner than you think but it will never get here if you don’t commit.  This week, I had to own that I am sensitive; not just I cry easily at stuff, cause I do, sensitive. But that I feel things, I see things and I know things that not everyone else knows.         

I have wanted to start a business. I have wanted to work with the sensitive children, the Indigo's for lack of a better term. I have wanted to affirm for them that they are OK even though they may be different. Let them know that they are supposed to be different and that they are loved and appreciated and required here at this time. I have wanted to help them feel better about themselves.  

We teach what we need to learn most.     

I took this “coaching class” with a very capable, insightful man.  He is very well regarded and respected.   
During the class, I did very well with sharing who I am and what my strengths were but when he suggested that from a business perspective my client base was small and I would do better to be more practical in my addressing the general population of children and their parents and that I should write a business plan for the general population. I froze. I couldn't commit. I couldn't go forward. I then got resentful and angry, all the while watching myself from afar saying, “Why am I acting like this? I took this class to get my business started. 

Why am I balking once again?”

I heard myself agreeing with this coach whose job was to assist me in fulfilling my life’s dream and even heard myself calling myself, “airy fairy” because I could not ground down and write this plan. I felt I could not commit. (This is where I gave away my power).   

I went into defensive mode and it was a good thing I did. I do not wish to commit to something I am not.  I do not wish to commit to something less than I am.  For me to have put into writing a plan that was not about who I have 
waited this long to be, my “soul” protested!     

Yes I need to commit, I need to let go of the fear and I need to commit to the sensitive person I am, who loves more than anything to be so deeply connected to people, that I know things about them others don’t know and sometimes things about them, they themselves don’t yet know. I AM that I AM, I always have been. But I can’t go forward with a plan to help others be who they came to be; when in that same minute I am not being who I came to be. 
So I do need to “fall back”, regroup. I have started already to commit to who I AM. I will not fall! I will catch the next rope! After the commitment the action is easy.  

Regroup! Commit! Spring ahead!

What will you commit to?

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