Tuesday, January 17, 2012

LIfe is a Journey

Life does not just happen,  we have an important role to play. 
  1. Birth
  2. Childhood
  3. Teens
  4. Adulthood
  5. Work
  6. Beliefs
  7. Marriage
  8. Family
  9. Mid life
  10. Grand kids
  11. Retirement
  12. Senior Citizen
  13. Death
I might have skipped some steps, yet I am sure you get the picture.....our life is a journey
which is in constant movement.  We are constantly changing, learning, and making decisions. We have a responsibility on this journey to make wise choices and take care of our destiny.  We alone are responsible for what happens our young adult life.  There is a point in our life where we need to become accountable and accept that our decision create our future. 

If you are thinking,  I am too young to think about my Senior years, then think again.  Today, right now you are making the decisions that will affect your future.   You don't need to focus on your old age, but you do need to focus today on making the right choices.

This can only happen by you getting clear on WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE.right now, your journey of life will continue and soon you will be face to face with your tomorrow regretting your choices.

I am not here to tell you how to create your life or what you should want,  that is all up to you.
But I am here to tell you that your choices should be made TODAY......Right Now is the time

Your life is a Journey.......Make sure you plan the trip

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