Eileen Gonzalez
Life Coach |
I am still in bed thinking of the blessings I have in my life as well as acknowledging the challenges I face. I smile because no matter how much uncertainty, my blessings out number those challenges. One thing I have learned in life, especially in these past couple of years is that we must always hold on to the vision of the better life we want. We must believe in our hearts we can achieve it and we must be ready and willing to go make it happen. It does not matter how hard things may seem or how long it may take, what matters is your focus, your drive and your willingness to get up and create. Today is August 14th, 2013, as I reflect on the person I was just a few years ago, October 2011 to be precise, I am not that person. I am a stronger version, I am committed, I am a leader. Yet I did not set out to be who I am today, it simply happened. It all changed with a choice, I was so mad at being broke, sick and tired of being sick and tired that I chose to re-focus on what I could fix rather than on what was broken.
Have you ever felt that way?, have you felt as "enough is enough". Well sometimes we need to reach that point so that we can fully awaken. It is a painful experience however when we open our eyes so do the doors in our lives. Sometimes we are so focused on seeing with our eyes that we fail to see the magic that is happening behind the scenes, the greatness that is developing from our thoughts, words and actions.
We are so powerful that we can create anything we want with simply focusing on it. Yet somehow many of us don't believe. We go on about our day creating, actually creating the life we don't want because we fail to believe in the power of our mind. So what do we do?, How do we help people understand? Well the way I see it is each of us has to come to that cross roads in which we acknowledge there is a better way than how we are living; that we deserve more than we have dared imagine and we have to accept the role we play in creation.
Now that I understand the law of attraction, the ability to create or re-invent who we are, I look back and see how all through my life I had harnessed this power however I did so without realizing I did. In my mind there were things such as my role at work in which I knew beyond a doubt I could excel and I chose to think, speak and act the part thus achieving leadership roles. Back then I attributed to luck, yet I recall my focus, my determination and my belief - I was in creation mode.
Think back at your life, events in which you have achieved exactly what you wanted. Can you recall creating that event? Think of how you got there?, then compare it to unsuccessful events in which you did not achieve the desired results. Compare the differences in your attitude toward each event. If you pay attention you will see the differences and understand that we indeed have a purpose, a role to play in our lives.
We are in constant creation, we can do it intentionally or not, we can choose to believe it or ignore it, however no matter what you choose, the creation process will still be working. Therefore what do you want to create today. If all this is true, what will you commit to doing today? Remember, your time is right now, not yesterday which is long and gone or tomorrow which is still in the works - this exact moment is all you have, so start creating right now.
Start with understanding what it is you want in life and start creating it. Use your thoughts, your words, your actions to help you. Change your beliefs so that you can go from wishing for better to knowing it is being created.
This is a Brand New Day, use it to the fullest, start by creating
the Day you want and know you deserve.