Thursday, June 21, 2012

Letting Go - Releasing the Pain

Letting go of pain, sadness, frustration, resentment is not easy. Yet letting go, releasing it into the Universe is the only way to move forward. I think of all those emotions as a heavy load that you carry which stops you on your tracks. You can’t stand straight; you can’t move fast, it’s this constant burden holding you down. If not released this baggage has the ability to making you and those around you miserable because it is the constant reminder of PAIN.  
You might be living with some resentment in life be it family, work, friendship, mistakes….we all make mistakes and some are easier to correct than others. I look back and I wish I was then the person that I am today….however this new me is a product of all the past mistakes, the lessons learned, the pain, and the tears. This new I could not have existed back then yet today I am here and I am strong.

Kenny & Stephanie…..
You both are my life, I can’t change the past, but I am committed to creating a better stronger relationship with the both of you.
To my Reader:
I can’t blame others for my weaknesses; neither can you blame others for yours. It is about being accountable; it’s about recognizing we screwed up and deciding to make life better. Simpler said than done…yet very possible to achieve.

  • Forgive yourself for your weaknesses
  • Forgive others for their weaknesses
  • Move ON to Live Life According to YOU

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Has this been you?

• Do you find yourself wanting to make a change in your life yet not knowing how to do it on your own?
• Do you find it hard to get clear on yourself not knowing what questions to ask?
• Do you find it hard understanding your feelings, releasing yourself from the pain?

I have been there, I have walked that walk, and I have confronted my demons, my fears, myself. I have come face to face with the real me and embraced her. I took myself from victim mode to being accountable. I took myself from not being confident to becoming a confident, stronger version of me.

I did it….you can do it too….