Who was I?
Why did I act or react as I did?
Who did I want to be?
What did I want out of life?
What would make me happy?
During this time, I was experiencing emotions of fear,
uncertainty doubt and guilt.
I would find myself writing letting my pure emotions flow,
and at times that would be tears.
As I continued this process, I was diagnosed with Anxiety and told that if I continued stressing as I was
As I continued this process, I was diagnosed with Anxiety and told that if I continued stressing as I was
I would cause myself a heart attack. Heading home, I kept replaying the words……..”I
will cause myself a heart attack”, then something fantastic happened. At that moment I knew that IF I could cause a
heart attack I could also prevent it.
I had just been giving a clean bill of health, I had no
illness or concerns other than being a heavy woman. Therefore It was all up to me and it ws time I made a decision. It’s
funny how you change when you feel pinned against a wall.
I wish I could explain to you what happened inside me yet I
would not know where to begin. Yet I know
that understanding
that I had the power to either get
better or worse, it was like flipping a switch in me and suddenly I was
transformed. All of a sudden
I could see, I knew
what I needed to do and I have not looked back since.
To me looking back is only helpful when we look to see our
growth. Looking back and dwelling on
past failures or sorrows only makes you relive
those painful events and holds you back from moving toward your goals.
Writing Life According to Me, was the best thing that
happened to me, it saved my life from
the old ME.
the old ME.